Do You Like Your Voice?
Posted OnJune 14, 2024 byWhen a singer says to me, “I just don’t like my voice,” I’m left with a bunch of questions swimming around in my head. Since I’m more of a technician, I often ask what qualities in your voice are the ones you are not a fan of. Then if there are certain qualities you don’t…Read More…

Take Care Of Yourself!
Posted OnFebruary 11, 2024 byIs This You Right Now? We are at that time of the year and even though we made it through COVID, there are still viruses and bacterial infections going around. There also seems to be some lingering colds and congestion that just won’t go away. Some are allergies and some actual contagious illnesses. Some of…Read More…

Inspired By A Fellow Singer
Posted OnDecember 30, 2022 byMark Edward Smith was a recent guest at our last singer event. His story is absolutely amazing. It’s a true testament to how persistence and determination combined can take you to places unimagined as a singer and be able to make a great living doing what you love. Mark shared how he always takes the…Read More…

One Of My Favorite Tricks
Posted OnSeptember 2, 2022 byLET ME SHARE WITH YOU ONE OF MY FAVORITE TRICKS!! Have you ever wondered why a voice cracks when a singer tries to hit a high note? There can be several reasons actually, but…..the most common one is this. When words start with an aspirate, or unvoiced consonant, it causes the vocal cords to come…Read More…

A Voice Lesson-Is It Ever Too Late?
Posted OnMarch 22, 2022 byIt’s amazing how we come up with so many reasons to put off an appointment like a voice lesson. We start to sabatoge the process before it even begins. Some reasons may be: It’s too expensive, I’m nervous about it, I’m too old, or I can’t find a time or even I’ll get to it…Read More…

Self Laryngeal Massage Techinuqes
Posted OnNovember 12, 2021 byI stumbled upon this technique a few years ago when visiting a clinician who addresses muscle tension, stress, swallowing disorders etc…. I found this technique life changing. It really helps to get into those tight places in your neck and head area and loosen it all up. It’s about an hour process where you lay…Read More…

10 Tips To Protect Your Voice
Posted OnJuly 13, 2021 bySome 7 million Americans have some type of voice disorder, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology.Hogikyan and colleagues have put together the following 10 tips to help keep your voice in shape: Written By: Norman Hogikyan and colleagues at the University of Michigan Drink water to keep your body well hydrated, and avoid alcohol…Read More…

What Are Your Habits?
Posted OnFebruary 9, 2021 byWhatever your habits, these are the things that mold and make who you are as a singer. All the little things we do that we don’t pay attention to like……losing sleep over time, letting your posture start to lean forward, drinking too many cups of coffee…….or just turning on the t.v., when instead 5 minutes…Read More…

Posted OnFebruary 9, 2021 byDuring COVID, we’ve not been able to keep up all of our showcases. This was one from not too long ago, outside enjoying the sunshine along with some great singing from all ages. We’ll get back to that soon. Stay in touch as we move forward and start opening up. Take care!Read More…